I’ve been asked many times by home owners over the years “how can I sell my San Jose home fast?" The answer is in the preparation.
2021 is quickly approaching and just around the corner for home owners thinking about selling their home after the new year. The month of December is usually the time to prepare your home for entertaining and the festive holidays up ahead. If you are one of the many homeowners that plan on selling their home after the holidays now is actually a good time to start thinking about the type of improvements and changes you will be making in order to prepare it for the market. Here are a few ways you could kill two birds all with the same stone. For example, if you are planning on decorating the exterior of your home with Christmas lights, why not start with cleaning out the rain gutters first? Clean rain gutters will help your home pass a home inspection.
This is the time of year when all the leaves fall off the trees. We’re approaching the end of the fall season going into winter. Fall is such a beautiful time of the year because the leaves change colors, however they can create quite a mess and clog your rain gutters if you’re not careful. If you have several of the older and mature trees near your home the leaves can leave quite a mess. Although we benefit so much from these lovely mature trees and the absolute beauty that they provide to the neighborhood along with what nature has to offer; it is advisable to cut any of the branches that may be getting in the way and hanging over your roof. This will help prevent any damage to the roof and also prevents leaves from getting in and clogging your gutters.
Have you ever noticed that your grass and even your neighbors grass looks a whole lot greener during the winter season and tends to appear more yellow during the warm summer months? Winter is a great time for your lawn to receive natural nutrients from the rain and colder climate this time of year has to offer. If you have a stubborn lawn that tends to turn yellow, try capitalizing on this time of year to feed your grass with a lawn feed that will help protect it and keep it green even after all the rain has gone. Making sure your grass and landscaping are neatly cut and manicured for the holidays will also benefit you when it's time to sell in the spring. Also make sure that all your sprinklers are working and are in top condition. This will be one less item you will have to fix when the time comes to start thinking about selling.
Having your home nicely decorated with Christmas lights and ornaments will give your home the well attention it deserves. Every year families all alike love to drive by to see the grandeur and beauty of nicely decorated homes during the Christmas Holiday Season. This is a tradition my family has enjoyed for many years, with the children. We would listen to Christmas carols on the radio, drive up to a drive thru and grab a nice and warm cup of hot cocoa before going to enjoy the beautiful Christmas lights in San Jose. It was always fun to see neighbors competing. I think this will be needed and appreciated even more by families this year because of the pandemic. More families will spend less time in the mall with Santa this year, and will find a different way to enjoy the holidays like driving around and admiring all the homes with the nice Christmas lights and displays.
San Jose’s Christmas in the park is also a wonderful experience to enjoy with the family. It has been moved to a drive thru only event this year. Hopefully it will be moved back to it’s original home place in the downtown area of San Jose next year. This part of town is where most of the business offices are and where San Jose's commercial real estate it located. It’s being held this year at the History Park located on the corner of Story and Senter Road this year. You do need to purchase a ticket in advance.
For those who will be enjoying the free display of homes decorated in the Christmas spirit just think, your neighbors close by and even folks in the city who generally at any other time would never even know that your home existed; will see your beautiful holiday decorated home and fall in love with it even before you put it on the market. This is also a great idea for homes that are currently for sale especially in the South Bay real estate market. There is so much competition that the more exposure your home receives, the better. If your home isn't on the market, but you plan on selling your home soon this wonderful technique is sort of like branding. You will be planting a seed in the hearts of potential home buyers in the winter to harvest in the spring or whenever it’s for sale. The goal is that when you finally do put your home on the market your neighbors and folks in town can easily describe or identify your home as “Remember the house that had all the pretty Christmas lights, it’s for sale!” Bingo! Your home now has an identity where your neighbor’s home ( your competitor) that's for sale does not.
In fact, why not go all in with Jesus and the Manger, Frosty, Santa, and a Christmas village right in front of your home, especially if you are trying to sell it. Since you’re getting your home ready for the holidays and a future sale a little prep work is beneficial. Now is a good time to replace any broken bulbs, missing cabinet knobs, broken or missing door knobs, wall punctures, holes, fix broken light fixtures and repair any plumbing problems. You should do some detailed holiday season cleaning to your home, wipe down the baseboards and window seals, clean the windows especially places in your home that usually never get your attention throughout the year.
If you have the tall and vaulted ceilings there’s a good likelihood that dust and spider webs have accumulated in all the hard to see and reach places over the years. Adding some touch up paint to areas in your home that need it will also benefit you when entertaining your guests for the holidays and when it’s time to sell your home. No one wants the embarrassment of installing Christmas lights for so many in the public to see on top of a noticeably dirty exterior. So before you install those beautiful lights check to see if your home needs to be power washed. You would need to do this before you sell your San Jose home, so why not just get it out of the way now? Be sure to pluck up any weeds that may be growing on your front lawn and garden. Shampoo any soiled carpet in the home that needs attention. If you’re among those homeowners who have a two story home for sale in San Jose during or even after the holidays remember to wipe down all your stair rails and balusters before you hang up the Christmas reefs. Don't forget to get to the baseboards at the bottom of the baluster. These are easy to miss places that you may not see in your own home which is common. Your guests might even miss seeing it, but they stand out like a sore thumb to potential home buyers.
If your appliances are missing working parts or are out dated, and you plan on selling your home after the holiday season this is a great time to take advantage of all the holiday sales. In fact, the time to replace those appliances wouldn’t be more perfect. Reason is because you get the opportunity to use and enjoy them while also showing them off to your guests and family members during the holidays. Come to think of it, the holiday sales may be the only and last chance you’ll get to receive a great discounted deal on appliances before selling your house, so why not grab it now and enjoy the savings? They’ll even install them for you. Yes, those new appliances will help your home to sell fast and have more appeal. Home buyers just love new appliances.
The big home and hardware stores like Lowes usually have great deals on their stainless steel appliances and holiday sales. Many are available for purchasing online, so while you’re in the store or online shopping for all the holiday ornaments for the house check out their appliance section too. The end of the year is here and the deadline to donate that old vehicle that doesn’t run anymore in the driveway is expiring. Keep in mind that any vehicle, boat or RV no longer running and parked in the driveway is an eyesore for home buyers. Now is an excellent time to donate it to your favorite charity and get that tax write off while you're at it. While you’re donating to your favorite charity why not get rid of all the excess clutter that’s in the house, backyard and the garage. A lot of clutter and excess furniture will make a space look too small and confusing to home buyers. Also rearranging the furniture can be a fun activity you can do with the kids and a great way to give your home a fresh new look and feel for the holidays and for your home buyers too.
Remember that when staging your home less is always more. Lighter tones and neutral colors are welcomed. Too many colors is less desirable, so if you have a different color of paint in each room consider repainting the interior of your home with the same or a similar neutral color in each room. Before you decide to start enjoying your warm and cozy fireplace for the season consider having a chimney sweep done if you haven't already. This will be one of the first things a home inspector will look at during a home inspection. So now you have a wealth of information to make your home a holiday masterpiece and an enjoyable experience this holiday season. Hopefully you will also reap the rewards of all your hard work and creativity when it's time to sell.
What's my home's worth? Looking for a top realtor in San Jose? Capri Ndikum is a top San Jose Real Estate agent & broker/owner of Citi One Realty located in San Jose, CA with over 21 years of real estate experience. The American Institute of Real Estate Professionals listed Capri Ndikum as the 10 Best Real Estate Agents in California.